Dr. Andrew Root

Rev. Dr. Tony Jones

Rev. David J Wood
David began serving as the Senior Minister of Glencoe Union Church in July, 2009. Prior to GUC, he served congregations in Maine, Paris (France), Kentucky, and Connecticut. He studied theology and ministry at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminar and Yale Divinity School and is ordained in the American Baptist Churches, USA. Being born and raised in Australia gives him an accent that he swears is not a hangover from his years in Maine and from living around Boston. He loves to read, always intends to write more than he does. Movie going is one of his favorite past times. David also serves as a consultant to the John Templeton Foundation–assisting in the development of programs that stimulate a more intelligent and interesting engagement between science and faith in the life of congregations in North American and around the world. He is married to Jennifer, his partner in life and ministry. They have three children–all post-college and gainfully employed.

Nancy Lee Gauche
Associate Director Children, Youth & Family at Luther Seminary.
Hey Friends! Glad to meet you. I am a pastor, leader, and teacher/learner who gets a kick out of developing leaders and equipping people for public Christian ministry. I am energized by all things faith-driven. Right now I find myself working in the field of Children, Youth & Family Master’s & MDIV Concentration at Luther Seminary in St Paul MN! Investing in the “first third” of life as I find myself spilling into the “last third” creates connective synergy. I couldn’t be happier!
I am married to an amazing human being, Pastor Paul Gauche, and together we are the parents of two young adult children: son Soren, and daughter Sarah, who is married to Travis with little Ruby Grace and Ryann Mae our grand-babies! Right now, Shelbui the dog keeps the Gauches’ good company!