Faith and ScienceOn June 11 of 2016, a team of adults accompanied ten high school students on a pilgrimage to Italy and Switzerland. The trip started in Rome and concluded in Geneva. Over ten days the group explored the life of Galileo and the place of Christian faith in the birth of the scientific revolution. The highlights are too many to list in full, but a private tour of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences at the Vatican, a guided tour of the Galileo Museum in Florence, a private lecture on Galileo’s work in Padua, and a half day at CERN in Switzerland were all stellar. A major objective of the trip was to discover if such a travel experience could be transformational to young people’s experience of the relationship between faith and science. There seemed to be little doubt. The trip snapped into clear focus for young people how Christian faith played a valuable part in bringing about our scientific age. This was a trip that impacted them both intellectually and spiritually.

We’re excited to share some of the photos from our trip in the video below, with more video and interview material to come soon.

Science for Youth Ministry: The Academy from Charlie McGlynn on Vimeo.